Sauna Pricing


3-Pack Introductory Special

Are you new to sauna? We recommend trying three sessions in your first two weeks so you can see the effects it has on your body, your mind, and your vibe. This package is only available to new sauna-goers, and it can only be purchased once!

Don’t want to commit just yet? Drop-in pricing is available if you’re down to Sauna but aren’t sure how regularly you can come in. Drop-ins can be purchased at any time.



Monthly Sauna Memberships

Light Roast

4 sauna sessions per month, the minimum you need to experience results.

Medium Roast

8 sauna sessions per month, for the sauna-goer who wants flexibility but also wants to create a routine around hot-and-cold therapy.

Dark Roast

One sauna session per day. Welcome to the sauna fam.

All Inclusive (Yoga + Sauna)

Unlimited Yoga. One sauna session per day. You’re officially a Kodaweirdo.