A Year To Live

1 Year Self Development and Shadow Work Program

If you only had one year to live……

Our lives are often marred with emotional scars - failed relationships, shattered dreams, and deep-seated fears. Acknowledging, confronting, and finally releasing these weights lightens your lights journey.

Chad Patrick

“I signed up for the Year to Live program at Kodawari Studios so I could cultivate a deeper appreciation for life and develop a greater sense of purpose and meaning. By engaging in a deep dive into myself, my habits, my patrerns along with, shadow journaling and time to reflect on the discoveries that revealed themselves. I became to understand my inner self a little better so I can live more intentionally and authentically through a practice of awareness and presence. By confronting the reality of mortality of the limited time we have on this earth. I experienced a shift in my perspective that lead to more mindful presence of living and a focus on what truly matters to me. Ultimately, the program encouraged myself to live with greater awareness, gratitude, and a sense of urgency to make the most of their time on this planet.”

Limited spots available.

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